Monday 31 October 2016


Simple, single class wrapper to get device information from an android device.

This library provides an easy way to access all the device information without having to deal with all the boilerplate stuff going on inside.

Library also provides option to ask permissions for Marshmellow devices!

from The Android Arsenal


MicroPinner is a lightweight dialog-only application, that turns your statusbar into a pingboard. (You can basically create your own notifications)

You can customize the notifications title and content, as well as its priority and visibility (Works on Android 5+ only).

from The Android Arsenal


A powerful, and very simple MVP library with annotation processing and bytecode weaving.

EasyMVP eliminates the boilerplate code for dealing with MVP implementation.

from The Android Arsenal

Sunday 30 October 2016

AspectJ Gradle

A Gradle plugin which enables AspectJ for Android builds. Supports writing code with AspectJ-lang in .aj files and in java-annotation style. Full support of Android product flavors and build types.

Augments Java, Kotlin, Groovy bytecode simultaneously!
Works with background mechanics of jvm-based languages out-of-box!

Written with brand cool Transform API! It is easy to isolate your code with aspect classes, that will be simply injected via cross-point functions, named advices, into your core application. The main idea is - code less, do more!

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Too much boilerplate code is necessary to implement for a list using RecyclerView. This library will take care about it.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Easy Ads

Easy way to show AdMob ads in Android.

from The Android Arsenal

Vertical Intro

Vertical intro allows you to integrate material vertical intro to your app

from The Android Arsenal

Exception Handler

This Android project allows to send Intent to destination Activity when app was closed (in the simplest way).

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


This class makes a request to Play Store to check if there is a new version of your published app. Then, you can notify your users to do the update.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


This is a library that contains practical animations: Rotation, Flip, Horizontal and Vertical Shake, Pulse.

Designed simply and elegant these components are easy to integrate during development process.


from The Android Arsenal

Android File Chooser

Android File Chooser is a simple and customizable file/directory chooser dialog which you can use in your apps to let your users select a file or directory based on your needs.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Material Deisgn RatingBar with Google app's style while fixinig a bunch of framework limitation/bugs. It extends framework RatingBar and can be used as a drop-in replacement.

from The Android Arsenal

Saturday 29 October 2016

User Aware Video View

A customized video view that will automatically pause video if user is not looking at device screen.

from The Android Arsenal

Friday 28 October 2016


ChipsLayoutManager is a custom layout manager for RecyclerView which represents a Google chips material design guideline.

ChipsLayoutManager moves item to a next row when there isn't enough space left on the current. It's a next generation of TextView span implementation, flow layouts implementation with support of RecyclerView features, like ItemAnimations, recycling views etc.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


ToastLib is a library to customize toasts.

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 27 October 2016


FlickableDialog will help you to show your information to users with minimum stresses.User can dismiss dialogs sensuously.

from The Android Arsenal


This Parser comes in handy when you want to write a sql statement easily and smarter for Android SQLite.

from The Android Arsenal


Android button with loading animation.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Showcase project of Functional Reactive Programming on Android, using RxJava.

from The Android Arsenal


This library tries to simplify the process of getting the degrees to north.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Tuesday 25 October 2016


Simple implementation of ForceTouch on Android

from The Android Arsenal

Debug Bottle

An Android debug / develop tools written using Kotlin language. All the features in Debug bottle are only available on debug build version with your app, it doesn't has an impact on release version.

from The Android Arsenal


TextHighlighter is simple android API for developers to show highlighted text in android apps, also provides methods to show styled text.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 24 October 2016


Login/Signup app which handles boiler plate Validation logics using MVP design patterns with SQLite Database.

from The Android Arsenal


SwipeCoordinator simplifies the process of implementing animated swipeable views. It links a view with its parent as a single behavioral unit constrained by the parent boundaries. SwipeCoordinator supports both left-to-right and top-to-bottom direction.

from The Android Arsenal

Sunday 23 October 2016


PageIndicatorView will simplify your life while you working with Android ViewPager and need to indicate selected page. It's easy to setup and customize as you need with run-time preview rendering.

from The Android Arsenal


It's a layout to show current data loading status (loading, load success, load error).

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Minimalist set of classes that offers you to group a set of variables in a type safe way like java Pair does it with two variables

The library offers classes to group 3 to 10 items in the way, Java Pair does it.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Fan Layout Manager for Android by Cleveroad.

from The Android Arsenal


ColorTextView allows to mark some phrase with colors.

from The Android Arsenal


A script which synchronizes all of the artifacts in your local Android SDK to a remote Maven artifact host.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

AutoValue: Ignore Hash Equals

An extension for Google's AutoValue that omits @IgnoreHashEquals field values from hashCode() and equals().

from The Android Arsenal

Saturday 22 October 2016


Play video in ListView, RecyclerView with full-screen support and different features to control video stream.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


RxLoader caches the data emitted by your Observable across orientation changes by utilizing an Android Loader, while also providing the results from an Observable preserving the RxJava pattern.

from The Android Arsenal


A ListView-like FastScroller for Android's RecyclerView.

from The Android Arsenal


Android app built with an MVP approach without RxJava or Dagger.

from The Android Arsenal

Call Recorder

Android Phone Call Recorder

from The Android Arsenal


Easily launch any social app with your page/profile/etc.

  1. google plus
  2. facebook
  3. twitter
  4. youtube

and other features!

from The Android Arsenal

Friday 21 October 2016


CountDownProgressView is a rounded ProgressView with CountDownTimer. This will show remaining time/cycles left as text in center.

from The Android Arsenal


Scale bar for Google Maps Android API.

from The Android Arsenal

Wednesday 19 October 2016


easily use android preferences(the easy way!)

for new developers like you & I who want to simplify our code as much as possible...but do NOT want to waste time writing boilerplate code for Shared Preferences...then you need "easyPrefs!"

It's very simple to put, get, clear, etc with easyPrefs!

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Tuesday 18 October 2016


Removes the noise from float streams using Kalman Filter. Useful to smoothen sensory data e.g.: gps location, or Accelerometer. screenshot

from The Android Arsenal


BasoProgressView is a library to help you start the ProgressBar and show error text with image also with retry or any-purpose button below it.

from The Android Arsenal


Binds Android Activity lifecycle callbacks to Activity fields annotated with @AirCycle.

Fields annotated with @AirCycle that are defined in an Activity will receive lifecycle callbacks of the enclosing Activity. The Activity does NOT need to implement any interface or extend any specific base class.

The field itself also does NOT need to implement any interface or extend any specific base class.

The binding class is generated in compile time using Java annotation processing, NO reflection is used at runtime. Since all classes are generated in compile time, it can safely be used with ProGuard.

Inspired by SoundCloud's LightCycle library. Compared to LightCycle, AirCycle supports passing of Activity lifecycle callbacks without the need to extend from a specific base Activity. Additionally, the listener classes are completely flexible, without the need to extend from any class or interface. This enables more flexibility when developing and further promotes composition over inheritance.

from The Android Arsenal


AndroidMapperObject is an extension the library MapperObject which it is a library that allows you to transfer data between two objects.

It support's : - Object to Object data transfer - Collection to Collection data transfer

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


A simple, elegant and customizable library for implementing the swipe button.

from The Android Arsenal