Tuesday 28 February 2017


SyncIt will call a method implemented in your activity to notify data connection changes.

from The Android Arsenal


EchantedViewPager is a custom ViewPager that provides some custom and usefull functionalities, such as, scalling scroll, alpha scroll and swipe to dismiss option.

from The Android Arsenal


A Skeleton Android Project for developers to use as a template in order to speed up building a interview test from scratch.

from The Android Arsenal


Customizable progress indicator in the form of 2D geometric shapes

gif-animation (3.4 MB)

from The Android Arsenal


Shuttle is an open source, local music player for Android.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 27 February 2017

Currency Edittext

Simple currency formatter for Android EditText.

from The Android Arsenal


A Horizontal picker library for android which supports both text and icons


  • Supports icons and text or a mixture of both as items of the picker.
  • Tap or scroll horizontally to select the items.
  • Supports drawables, selectors and text highlighting using selectors.
  • Selection change listener to monitor the current selected item.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

AutoPlay Videos

This library is created with the purpose to implement recyclerview with videos easily.

It is targeted at solving following problems:

  1. Flicker when scrolling.
  2. Lag or skipping frames when video starts.
  3. OutOfMemory errors.

And it has following features:

  1. Auto-play videos when in view.
  2. Auto-pause videos when not in view or partially in view.

from The Android Arsenal

Last fm android library

An Android library for working with last.fm API.

from The Android Arsenal


A simple to use library for animating shapes along a given path.

from The Android Arsenal


Custom-Typeface is a library to add custom fonts in android. By using this library you can easily set custom font on TextView, EditText, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton and AutoCompleteTextView and other wedgets in android. You can set custom typeface easily in XML.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Library for GIF results, preview, play, share everything at one place!

from The Android Arsenal

Sunday 26 February 2017


Android View Styleable Attribute Binding

Easily obtain and bind styleable attribute values. Annotate your styleable fields:

java @Styleable(R.styleable.CustomView_showText) boolean showText; @ColorInt @Styleable(value = R.styleable.CustomView_textColor, defaultRes = R.color.default_text_color) int textColor;

Then call the static obtain method providing the View object instance as the target, the AttributeSet containing the values, and any additional parameters:

java Glimpse.obtain(this, attrs);

from The Android Arsenal


It`s a simple MVP implemetation. With this library every developer can integration pattern MVP in him project. To add presenter to Activity or Fragment, the developer need write only one row - setPreseter(ExamplePresenter.class); This library does support MVP pattern for Activities, Fragments and RecyclerViewAdapter.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


PermissionsManager library that has base activity and fragment that extend from AppCompatActivity to ease with the handling of runtime permissions.

from The Android Arsenal

Android GIF Loader

An Android Library to load your GIF files directly

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


A fast, light-weight and powerful Play Store information fetcher for Android.


This library allows you to fetch various live information from Play Store of your app or any other app of your choice. With just a few lines of code, you can get access to a lot of useful app data fetched fresh from the Play Store.

from The Android Arsenal


CircleMenu is a simple, elegant menu with a circular layout.

from The Android Arsenal


FastHub is yet another open source GitHub client app but unlike any other app, FastHub built from ground up.

from The Android Arsenal


FastHub is yet another open source GitHub client app but unlike any other app, FastHub built from ground up.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Saturday 25 February 2017


This project is for downloading items(songs, images etc) in Android using RxJava2. There are, however 2 conditions which I have set for downloading.

1) Only 2 items can be downloaded at a time. So even if the user clicks multiple items to download, only 2 of them will be actually downloaded at a time and the rest of the downloads will be en queued.

2) The download percent is shown to the user. But only if the difference between the current percentage and the previously shown percentage is greater than 5 percent.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


RxJava2 EventBus that supports pausing and resuming. This way, you can achieve that the bus is queueing events while it is paused and emitting events while it is resumed which is a nice way to enforce that events are only observed, when for example your activity is resumed and your views are accessible.

from The Android Arsenal

Android Scalable Dimens

An android SDK that provides a new size unit - asdp (a scalable dp). This size unit scales with the screen size. It can help Android developers with supporting multiple screens.

from The Android Arsenal

Friday 24 February 2017



Fluent API wrapper for Android Espresso ☕️

from The Android Arsenal


SimplerRecyclerViewAdapter used to simplify the adapter structure for RecyclerView.

  • Easy to use
  • No need to create adapter (Separate java files)
  • Works with multiple view types
  • View holders are inside Activity or Fragment, so easily call methods of activity on row click.

Download compile 'com.master.android:simpler-recycler-view-adapter:1.0'

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

android utility

A handy set of utility for android.

from The Android Arsenal

Sliding Tab With Color Icons

Sliding Tab Layout with color icons.

from The Android Arsenal


FlowR is a wrapper class around the Fragment Manager. It's mainly used to navigate between different fragments easily while providing a wide range of functionality. The following are the functionalities provided by the Flowr:

Easily navigate between different fragments. Ability to open fragments for result. Keeping the state of the activity correctly synced depending on the custom values specified by the fragment currently visible such as the screen orientation and navigation bar colour.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


A Twitter style post length counter which can be bound to an EditText and provide callbacks when hitting a max character count.

Once bound to an EditText the characters remaining will go down as the user types. If the user goes over the max limit you will get notified and the view will show how much they are over.

from The Android Arsenal


Change Android launcher App Icon and App Name programmatically.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 23 February 2017


This project is implementation of ideas from Managing state reactive way article.

from The Android Arsenal


Failsafe is a lightweight, zero-dependency library for handling failures. It was designed to be as easy to use as possible, with a concise API for handling everyday use cases and the flexibility to handle everything else.

from The Android Arsenal


Rx wrapper for the Firebase Android library.

from The Android Arsenal


JFixture is an open source library based on the popular .NET library, AutoFixture.

JFixture is a Java library to assist in the writing of Unit Tests, particularly when following Test Driven Development. It generates types based on the concept of 'constrained non-determinism', which is an implementation of the Generated Value xUnit test pattern.

from The Android Arsenal

Network Connection Indicator

A very small library to implement a connection indicator view. These connections may be GPS, Network or other loading indicators.

from The Android Arsenal


Small library that contains common extensions for Android. Aims:

  • Provide the shortest way to do things
  • Reduce count of "Compat" and "Utils" classes
  • Remove boilerplate code

from The Android Arsenal


An OkHttp interceptor which pretty logs request and response data.

from The Android Arsenal


Change/add font of Entire Android Application at time with out wasting your time - TextViews, EditText, Buttons, Views, etc.

from The Android Arsenal


The Universal Event Bus is an event dispatcher architecture which help you to use most common event bus implementation as Otto in a structured mode.

An events is a bus designed to separate different parts of the application, while still allowing them to communicate efficiently. The operation of the EventDispatcher is based on the publish-subscribe pattern: the bus asked a series of events that will be collected by those who joined them.

The publisher is, in this case, called Bus or RxBus and deals with post events using the Observable of RxJava. The event dispatcher contains two RxBuses: one dedicated to the UI thread, and the other for all the other events that have nothing to do with the UI (network calls, CRUD operations with the database etc.).

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Enlighting Layout

A simple layout working as a switch on-off button.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Wednesday 22 February 2017

SmartyStreets AutocompleteTextView

Android AutocompleteTextView that receives and displays address suggestions from Smarty Streets.

from The Android Arsenal


A simple library to add indicators for your Carousel or ViewPagers.

from The Android Arsenal


A pretty and simple storage/directory chooser library for 4.4+ devices. This library was created to be included in OpenGApps App. There are too many storage chooser out there but this one is too materially :stuckouttongue: . Easy to implement and does not take a lot of your valueable time in setting-up all the other necessary things that every developer seeks, like

  • saving path to sharedPreference
  • event when path is selected and act upon that path
  • and much more.

from The Android Arsenal


Describe your animation and run!

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 20 February 2017


bodylookin is a IntelliJ IDEA-based IDE viewer plugin for bodymovin and Lottie libraries.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Custom Android Bubbleview with curved Bezier Paths.

from The Android Arsenal


Historian is a custom implementation of Timber.Tree, which is popular logging library.

Historian can save device's logs into dedicated SQLite database, so that your users can send the file to a bug report mail to you.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal