Monday 30 November 2015


This library provides some expressions, IF, Match like Scala. IF enables java if-statement to return a value as Scala if-expression. Match also enables java to use pattern-match expression.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Command-line tools for convert SVG to Android vector drawable.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Utilize the window background during cold start time (the time between user launches your app and Activity.onCreate() is called) to make your app look faster.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Android Util

Utilities to make the life of an Android developer easier.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Android SVG Scripts

Bash scripts to automate and extend the process of using SVG as Android image asset.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Custom tabs, made easy.

from The Android Arsenal


Moticons is a simple, easy and modern app to manage and use Japanese Emoticons.

from The Android Arsenal


Sample Android application show how to set auto scroll in text view.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Sunday 29 November 2015


Android Gmail API.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


A RecyclerView that implements pull-to-refresh, load-more, and header features. You can use it like a standard RecyclerView.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Custom Toast on Android.

from The Android Arsenal


Android library that allows a very easy-compatible Shelf View for smartphone and tablet.

from The Android Arsenal


Android Web Server (with NanoHTTPD).

from The Android Arsenal


This is an Android project allowing to realize a circular ImageView in the simplest way possible.

from The Android Arsenal


This is an Android project allowing to realize a circular ProgressBar in the simplest way possible.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Retractable Toolbar - it is an utility library that gives a retractable effect to your toolbar.

from The Android Arsenal


Annotation based simple API flavoured with AOP to handle new Android runtime permission model.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Saturday 28 November 2015

Thursday 26 November 2015


Autofit GridLayout.

from The Android Arsenal


A small library to make easy connect to a REST webservice.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


RxPaper is a RxJava wrapper for the cool paper library, a fast NoSQL data storage for Android that lets you save/restore Java objects by using efficient Kryo serialization and handling data structure changes automatically.

from The Android Arsenal

Loading Balls

A highly configurable library to do loading progress with animated balls.

from The Android Arsenal


AndroidPermissionsUsage is an IntelliJ IDEA (and Android Studio) plugin designed to find the usage of the permissions defined in an Android application.

from The Android Arsenal

Wednesday 25 November 2015


A library that can inspector view in 3D mode. It is a wrapper of Scalpel. Instead of add ScalpelFrameLayout to every layout file, this library has less coupling with existed code.

from The Android Arsenal

Flank Location

A simple API that cleanly registers pending intent for location updates from Google location api. Using Recon and FlankLocation annotation the location update registration using pending intent is made easier, This still supports dynamic location request at runtime by accepting it as parameter when registering for location updates.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Wrapper around ActiveAndroid which introduces reactive queries with SQLBrite.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


The easiest way to simplify custom View tags in layout xmls.

from The Android Arsenal

Tuesday 24 November 2015


A library to work with RecyclerView as simple as usage ListView or GridView.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Android Dynamic Loader

Android Dynamic Loader is a plugin system. The host application is like a browser, but instead of loading web pages, it loads plugins which could be run natively on Android system.

from The Android Arsenal

Material Camera

Android's video recording APIs are very difficult to figure out, especially since a lot of manufacturers like to mount their camera sensors upside down or sideways. This library is a result of lots of research and experimentation to get video recording to work universally.

from The Android Arsenal


Elastic Progress Bar.

from The Android Arsenal


Android library helps take screenshots for publishing on Google Play Store.

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 23 November 2015


An Android library which can be used for implementing PIN lock mechanism in Android applications.

from The Android Arsenal


Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.

from The Android Arsenal

Material Weekdays Buttons Bar

"Weekdays Buttons Bar" is an Android library that makes it easy to integrate weekdays selection in your layout.

from The Android Arsenal


BadgedImageview allows you to show badge into Imageview.

from The Android Arsenal


This is a simple library that resolves U.S. postal zip codes to the appropriate City/State.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


This is a wrapper of IP-API for Android platform using Volley.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Permiso is an Android library that makes requesting runtime permissions a whole lot easier.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Saturday 21 November 2015


FireTweet is an Android app powered by Lantern that gives direct unblocked access to Twitter from anywhere in the world.

from The Android Arsenal


Android Multi-Thread Download library.

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 19 November 2015


This is a helper library to pick date (like a WheelView widget on iOS).

from The Android Arsenal

Animated Vector Buttons

This project contains example code for creating animated buttons in Android using vector drawables and animated state lists.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal