Saturday 30 April 2016


Response logging interceptor for OkHttp. Logs a url link with url-encoded response for every OkHttp call.

from The Android Arsenal


Blueteeth is a simple, lightweight library intended to take away some of the cruft and tediousness of using the Android BLE API.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


An android socializing SDK that supports to share text/image/web page/video/audio to qq/qzone/wechat/moment/sina platforms.

from The Android Arsenal


Simple drawee spannable text view based on Fresco.

from The Android Arsenal


This library is meant to offer a wrapper around the standard Android Log.x methods in few distinct flavours. It gives you the possibility to have one logger that will use the same logging tag for the whole app and also the ability to quickly change the logging level for the whole app - you can go from debug to release by changing just one constant.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Friday 29 April 2016


This library offers easy view bindings for Android.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Optionals for Java 7. This a lightweight copy of Guava's Optional interface.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Android GifLoadingView.

from The Android Arsenal


A simple indicator with fading animation for ViewPager in Android.

Most of the existing indicators don't provide a smooth transition, this library fades indicators in and out when pager flipped.

from The Android Arsenal


AndroidBitmapTransform is an useful library to do Bitmap transformation on Android.

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 28 April 2016

EMV NFC Paycard Enrollment

Java library used to read and extract public data from NFC EMV credit cards.

from The Android Arsenal


A simple lib for zoom images on event click.

from The Android Arsenal

Credit Card NFC Reader

This library helps developer to read data from credit card: card number, expired date, card type.

from The Android Arsenal


Mocking Client for Retrofit.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Android Resource Generator

Automatic resource exporter plugin for android projects: generating density specific drawables from PDF files.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Android Lint Checks

Custom Lint checks for Android development.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


This a indoor map view named MapView for Android. It also offers some layers.

from The Android Arsenal

Wednesday 27 April 2016

MVVM Life Cycle

Unify activity and fragment life cycle for MVVM architecture.

from The Android Arsenal


A toolbar that morphs from a FloatingActionButton.

from The Android Arsenal

Audio Widget Overlay View

Awesome Audio Widget for any Android Music App.

from The Android Arsenal


Live Audio Equalizer with wave effect.

from The Android Arsenal

Redex Plugin

A Gradle plugin that allows you to use Facebook's Redex tool as part of your build process.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Simple tool which help you to implement A/B Test.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Tuesday 26 April 2016


ListView with a sticky header.

from The Android Arsenal


Lightweight thrift client code generator and runtime library for Android and Java.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


RoboAspectJ is a Gradle plugin to introduce AspectJ (Aspect-Orient Programming) to Android project. It compiles aspects(if needed) and weave them all together in FULL-PROJECT scope. This means project (or subproject) sources, external libraries and local dependencies will all be dealt with by default.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 25 April 2016

Android Image Cropper

Powerful (Zoom, Rotation, Multi-Source), customizable (Shape, Limits, Style), optimized (Async, Sampling, Matrix) and simple image cropping library for Android.

from The Android Arsenal


Android Contats API.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Add a circular progress bar to any existing fab.

from The Android Arsenal


Library simplifying usage of Snackbar with Android Data Binding.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


This library is an enhancement to the TextView component that allows you to style various spans of text inside the view.

from The Android Arsenal

Sunday 24 April 2016


WaspDB is a pure Java key/value (NoSQL) database library for Android. It supports AES256 encryption for all the disk storage.

from The Android Arsenal


yasea is an RTMP streaming client in pure Java for Android for those who hate JNI development.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Android library to create and manage simple rating views with stars.

from The Android Arsenal


RxJava wrapper for Google Drive Android API.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Saturday 23 April 2016


A library that uses google's mobile vision api and simplify the QR code reading process.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


A layout that you can swipe/slide to show another layout.

from The Android Arsenal


Cool ImageVeiw effects.

from The Android Arsenal


SegmentedControlView is unswipable button style control view. Inspired by iOS's UISegmentedControl, buttons are evenly spaced in width. Simple usage! Just specify the highlight colors and unselected text colors are calculated automatically.

from The Android Arsenal


EasyForm makes a form creation and field validation easy.

from The Android Arsenal


A Custom TextView with trim text.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Friday 22 April 2016


A common RecyclerView.Adapter implementation which supports any kind of items and has useful data operating APIs such as remove, add, etc.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


An Adapter that allows a RecyclerView to be split into Sections with headers and/or footers.

from The Android Arsenal


Generating pure tone of an specific frequency was never that easy. ZenTone does all the heavy lifting for you.

from The Android Arsenal


Android SearchView based on Material Design guidelines. The MaterialSearchView will overlay a Toolbar or ActionBar as well as display a ListView for the user to show suggested or recent searches.

from The Android Arsenal


REST API mocking made easy.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


A widget for selecting multiple items from a list.

from The Android Arsenal


An easy way to get image from Gallery or Camera with request runtime permission on Android M using RxJava.

from The Android Arsenal


Android runtime permissions make easy.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 21 April 2016