Saturday 30 December 2017


This is a lightweight library to generate a 64-bit random key and using AES Algorithm to encrypt/decrypt that random number to get a Secret Key and save it to Key Store.

This library especially supports for Realm Encryption. That means when using you don't have to care about how to get a random key, where to save that key for safe, ... this library will take it.

from The Android Arsenal

Gradle Github info plugin

Plugin generates common github links (like repository, issues, vcs etc) for project and configures common plugins. The main intention is to remove boilerplate and simplify project configuration.

from The Android Arsenal

Gradle use-python plugin

Use python modules in gradle build.


  • Install required python modules using pip (per project (virtualenv, default), os user or globally)
  • Provides task to call python commands, modules or scripts (PythonTask)
  • Could be used as basement for building plugins for specific python modules

from The Android Arsenal


A Kotlin extension to load easily remote images in your ImageView.

from The Android Arsenal


Simple and clean architecture of android YouTube video player.

from The Android Arsenal


A collection of useful Kotlin extension for Android.

from The Android Arsenal


A rich text editor (based on QuillJs and MRichTextEditor) ported to Kotlin.

from The Android Arsenal

Friday 29 December 2017


Some base features for android app. Boost up your Developement.

from The Android Arsenal


A rotating menu with SpringAnimation.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Analytics abstraction layer for Kotlin inspired by Umbrella.

Built-in supported analytics:

  • Firebase Analytics
  • Flurry
  • Localytics
  • Mixpanel

from The Android Arsenal


TNImageView is a powerful library with which you can make your imageview rotatable and scaleable and move it any where inside a view.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


TableView is a powerful Android library for displaying complex data structures and rendering tabular data composed of rows, columns and cells. TableView relies on a separate model object to hold and represent the data it displays.

from The Android Arsenal

Wednesday 27 December 2017


This is a simple Seek Bar, in the shape of a circle, responsive to the speed of the spin: the faster you spin the control, the faster the progress increases.

Very much in the style of old iPods, this is a very intuitive control when a value from a variable range has to be chosen, and for wearable apps. It has been used in a production app for a while now, so it is well proven.

from The Android Arsenal


Simple library to change edittext shape as Rectangle, Rounded corner shapes by adding one line code in xml file. Easy to modify the BG color, Border color, and Tint colors.

from The Android Arsenal


An Android library to help you transition between two colors (almost) everywhere!

from The Android Arsenal

Tuesday 26 December 2017


ProjectBasics library performs simple tasks which are required in almost every app like:

  • Rate App
  • More Apps
  • Feedback (via mail)
  • Follow on Facebook

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 25 December 2017


Accounting Format is library with text components to format numbers to IDR format, USD format or custom format.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Light Weight Library for Numeric with fully customization interface.

from The Android Arsenal


ArcChartView is library to make arc/circle charts, can be used as a rating selector.

from The Android Arsenal

Sunday 24 December 2017

Android Onboarder

Android Onboarder is a simple and lightweight library that helps you to create cool and beautiful introduction screens for your apps without writing dozens of lines of code.

from The Android Arsenal


  • Now you do not need to implement adapters for RecyclerView;
  • You can easily use several types of cells in a single list;
  • You can reuse cells in different RecyclerView;
  • You can easily add a nested RecyclerView;
  • You can easily add the DiffUtil support;
  • You can easily save a state of a Item when scroll;
  • You can easily add a Load More Indicator;
  • Using this library will help you to follow SOLID principles.

from The Android Arsenal


Static code analysis for Java and Groovy projects using Checkstyle, PMD, FindBugs and CodeNarc. Plugin implements unified console output for all quality plugins which greatly simplifies developer workflow: only console is required for working with violations and makes it feel the same as java compiler errors.

from The Android Arsenal

Saturday 23 December 2017


This library will simplify usage of SharePreferences in your projects. Let's setup and enjoy!

from The Android Arsenal


Gradle AnimalSniffer plugin for Java or groovy projects. AnimalSniffer used to check compatibility with lower java version (when compiling with newer java) or android (sdk version).

from The Android Arsenal

Gradle Mkdocs plugin

Mkdocs documentation generation and publishing plugin.

from The Android Arsenal