Thursday 19 April 2018


A RecyclerView that looks like a TableView, can scroll horizontally and vertically with a fixed header at the same time.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


An Android library that lets you implement MaterialPreferences on Setting UI.

from The Android Arsenal

Wednesday 18 April 2018


PersistentRecyclerAdapter is a simple, lite weight android library that persists data across fragment and activity recreation.

Some features

  • Offline and Online persistent across activity recreation
  • Supports both grid and linear layout
  • Support for both Activity and Fragment
  • Delivers data fast to your RecyclerView

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 16 April 2018

Sunday 15 April 2018


Easy creation and management of toggle buttons from the Material Design spec. Similar functionality to iOS segmented controls, and works great alongside them on Android.

from The Android Arsenal

Copy button

Copy button. Helps to copy textview into clipboard and can be used in anywhere.

from The Android Arsenal


Intellij Idea, Android Studio plugin.

Plugin generates Kotlin data classes from JSON text. It can find inner classes in nested JSON. You can disable undesirable fields in class, change field name, set it type to optional, specify default value and add annotations for popular json libraries.


• json highlight and validation • nested json parsing • var/val support • default value support • generation to single file • annotations for Gson, Moshi, Jackson

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


It's AppCompatButton with centered text and icon. Allows you to add icons to left, right, and both sides.

from The Android Arsenal


Kotlin based media picker library, to pick multiple images and/or videos from built-in gallery. Easy to implement and use.

from The Android Arsenal


A library to add Magnify effect on Image.

from The Android Arsenal

Saturday 14 April 2018

Mutative Fab

This is an animated FAB-button with text.

from The Android Arsenal


RecyclerFragment is a small Android library that allow you to display RecyclerView data in a Fragment. Easy to use, it is similar to the framework's ListFragment with additional features.


  • Fragment with a RecyclerView and a hideable ProgressBar out of the box
  • Ability to show the ProgressBar when waiting for asynchronous data
  • Customizable layout
  • Support for an "empty view" to be displayed automatically in place of RecyclerView when the adapter contains no data.

from The Android Arsenal


A Reactive Android MVP Framework which is Slick to use, Inspired by MVI and Elm Architecture.

from The Android Arsenal


This library will create vertical, horizontal parallax effect (and another effects) on android ImageView by using VerticalScrollParallaxImageView and HorizontalScrollParallaxImageView respectively. You can also create your own or apply custom effect by using and extending ViewTransformer then set it into ScrollTransformImageView

from The Android Arsenal


A simple Android MVP Architecture sample using the Github API.

from The Android Arsenal

Timber JUnit Rule

This library provides a JUnit TestRule that plants a temporary Timber tree that pipes any logs sent via Timber to the standard System.out. Once a unit test has completed, the Timber tree is removed to avoid logging unintended test cases.

The rule is extremely useful for Android JUnit tests, as the Timber logs do not show without planting a tree.

There are many ways to modify the output using the following behaviours:

  • The minimum log level to output.
  • Whether thread ids are shown.
  • Whether timestamps are shown.
  • Whether to always log, or only log when a unit test fails.

from The Android Arsenal

Android Archi Template

A simple implementation of android app based Android new architecture components (ViewModel, LiveDate, RoomDAO) with Dagger2 & Retrofit2. Written in Kotlin.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Customizable Item Setting View for Android

from The Android Arsenal


Custom Views that can hide/show a View with some Animations (inspired by the Android FAB).

from The Android Arsenal

Friday 13 April 2018


This is a Gradle plugin for Android projects that fetches localization strings.xml from web service and places it under res/ folder. Boom! Multiple translations are also supported.

How it works

This plugin adds Gradle downloadLocaliseTranslations task to Android project which downloads localized strings.xml into main's flavor res/ folder.

from The Android Arsenal


Android custom view that uses ruler for picking the number from given range. Highly customizable. Change width, height, color, distance between indicators. Change the color and sze of the texts in the ruler in XML or dynamically from your java or kotlin code.

from The Android Arsenal


A floating view helper lib to let you create floating view above other views!

  • Floating view can follow specified view
  • Scalable view supported
  • Fullscreen supported

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 12 April 2018


Chameleoen deals with the Status of RecyclerView

from The Android Arsenal


LiveEdgeDetection is an Android document detection library built on top of openCV. It scans documents from camera live mode and allows you to adjust crop using the selected 4 edges and performs perspective transformation of the cropped image.

It works best with a dark background.

from The Android Arsenal