Wednesday 30 September 2020


EasyPrefs is a wrapper on the android shared preferences, also it will need only one-time initialization and used in the whole project without context, it supports encryption and decryption with extended APIs.

from The Android Arsenal



Create reactive ui in android programmatically. Get rid of the boring and layout.xml files.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 28 September 2020

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Monday 21 September 2020


Custom TextInputEditText view which helps to align item in center. Standard material TextInputEditText is taking space in bottom.

from The Android Arsenal

MobX for Kotlin

MobX architecture pattern to Android written in Kotlin.

from The Android Arsenal

Saturday 19 September 2020


This library makes PDF from Android layout resources or XML (e.g - R.layout.myLayout,, Java's view ids or directly views objects very easily using Step Builders Pattern.

from The Android Arsenal

Friday 18 September 2020

Material Preferences

A beautiful and extensible API for bulding preferences screen

from The Android Arsenal


SSCustomBottomNavigation is a customizable bottom bar library with curved animations.

The actual features are:

  • Bottom Bar which have customizable text, color, background, icon.
  • Animated wave with customizable height

from The Android Arsenal

Tuesday 15 September 2020


An Android library that allows, when using the BottomNavigationBar, to consume the multiple back stack workaround provided on Google Samples with one single navigation graph per application.

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 10 September 2020


AXrLottie Renders animations and vectors exported in the bodymovin JSON format. (Using rLottie)

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


An easy & handy library to monitor device internet connection status


  • The real-time update on internet connection status changed
  • Lightweight
  • Provide both regular data or Live Data to observe from a fragment or an activity
  • Thread Safe
  • Cancel monitoring Internet connection status any time

How does it work?

Once you start observing internet connection status by calling from your Application class onCreate() method, NetworkX will start monitor internet connection status immediately under a CoroutineScope in a IO Thread for the thread safe purpose. NetworkX provide both traditional data which is Boolean or MutableLiveData so that you can observe the status in a fragment or an activity.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Tuesday 8 September 2020


AXEmojiView is an advanced library which adds emoji,sticker,... support to your Android application.

from The Android Arsenal


DrawRoute wraps Google Directions API ( using RxJava for Android so developers can download, parse and draw path on the map in very fast and flexible way (For now only JSON support).

The library contains two main parts.

  • RouteAPI is responsible for sending request to Google's Direction API and handling the response
  • DrawerAPI is responsible for drawing the path on the map

from The Android Arsenal


A simple Kotlin library for logging android and desktop projects.

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 3 September 2020


A networking built in pure kotlin for use with kotlin and android project, with full support for rxjava and coroutines

from The Android Arsenal

Hash Checker Lite

Fast and simple application for generating and comparison hashes from files or text.

from The Android Arsenal

Wednesday 2 September 2020


A simple, lifecycle-aware network monitoring library to simplify the need for asynchronous Android network state monitoring.

from The Android Arsenal