Wednesday 31 May 2017


A library for supporting convex material shadows.

from The Android Arsenal


Make RecyclerView adapter easy with Adapter annotations.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Android Bluetooth Library

A Library for easy implementation of Serial Bluetooth Classic and Low Energy on Android.

  • Bluetooth Classic working from Android 2.1
  • Bluetooth Low Energy working from Android 4.3

from The Android Arsenal

Glide Slider

Glide Image Slider Support JPG, PNG & GIF.

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 29 May 2017


Shape Ripple is a library that emulates a ripple like animations with cool tweaks on the go. It runs on API level 11 and upwards.

As addition you can even create your own shape renderer through the canvas to create a custom shape ripple.

from The Android Arsenal

IdealMedia music player

Great sound quality, audio cleanliness and very smooth interface. Playing the folder structure, artist or album or create your own playlists with local or online tracks.

  • 10-band equalizer
  • Themes
  • mp3, flac, aac, ogg, oga, m4a, m4b, m4p, wma and other audio formats

from The Android Arsenal


Yet Another Android animated Seekbar inspired from Philips Hue app.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Sunday 28 May 2017


Android library handling flashlight for camera and camera2 api. Added support for handling display/screen light.

from The Android Arsenal

Shortify for Android

Shortify is used for minimizing your coding effort in your development environment. It has some builtin method and classes which helps you in creating mostly used element and tasks in Android app.

from The Android Arsenal


With this SDK you can access the API behind the DRAE (Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, the official spanish dictionary) in order to use it in your own app.

from The Android Arsenal

Segmented Stepper Seekbar

A custom view that gives the user a look and feel of selecting options with smoother slider animation.

from The Android Arsenal


SwipeableRV is a library that provides a fast and convenient way to implement the 'swipe to dismiss' feature in Recycler View, as seen in apps such as Messenger.

SwipeableRV wraps around ItemTouchHelper from the Android Support Library. Therefore, developers do not need to do any extra work on ItemTouchHelper.Callback themselves. Instead they can just focus on creating a recycler view, adapter, and view holder as normal, plus some minimal work on specifying some details such as supported swipe directions, deletion message or icon.

from The Android Arsenal


This library add the ability to listen for drawable click events for TextView, EditText and AutoCompleteTextView normally added in XML with android:drawableStart etc... or in code with setCompoundDrawables(...) and similar.

With this library you can flat a layout used to side any widget with an ImageView or ImageButton added to listen for click on the icon, to one unique custom view.

from The Android Arsenal

Saturday 27 May 2017

Easy File/Folder Picker Dialog Fragment

An easy file / folder picker dialog fragment which is easily to implement. Nothing special is required, you just need to add few lines of code!

from The Android Arsenal


An easy to use wrapper of the native Android Snackbar which stays visible across multiple activities. It provides different themes to start with, and allows you to easily manage common scenarios like success, warning, error, info.

from The Android Arsenal


Easier to select system default ringtones and local audio files.

from The Android Arsenal

Friday 26 May 2017


RxJava2 based caching mechanism. Simple to use yet very powerful.

Key features:

  • Save preferences using annotations.
  • Customizable
  • Fast
  • Reliable

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


A lightweight Android library for customizable alerts.

from The Android Arsenal

Typing Indicator

Configurable typing indicator for Android

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 25 May 2017


Clean MVP Architecture with Dagger2 + Retrofit2 + Fresco + GenericRecyclerAdapter for Kotlin.

This repo contains demo module which retrieves mars images from the NASA API. The main purpose of the repo is to reduce the time spent on starting a new project or adding new modules to your existing project. You can add new modules with just 2-3 clicks without writing any code.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Simple threading library using annotations for Android. This library makes it very easier to do any task on any thread. You can simply annotate a method to execute on any particular task and you are ready to go.

from The Android Arsenal


Trianglify is an Android library that helps creates views with beautiful patterns. Trianglify is based on MVP architecture and licensed under MIT license.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Tuesday 23 May 2017


Give your users a fantastic experience by providing new and exciting features like: P2P, Proximity, Mesh and Offline connectivity.

By integrating the Bridgefy SDK, app developers ensure that payments, messaging, location-sharing, and ride-hailing apps are still available when people don't have access to data.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal