Saturday 30 September 2017

Yandex Translate API

yandex-translate-api is a simple REST client library for Yandex.Translate. The API provides access to the Yandex online machine translation service. It supports more than 60 languages and can translate separate words or complete texts.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Simple Dribbble client for android.

from The Android Arsenal


Simple Dribbble client for android.

from The Android Arsenal

Android Custom-Toast

Android-CustomToast is a powerful & easy to use Custom Toast library for Android. It runs on API level 14 and upwards.

This library provides some predefined custom toast. Also you can coustomize the toast according to your need

A Single line of code can add a beautiful toast message in your app.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Currency Picker Android

CurrencyPicker is a simple library that can be show a currency picker.

from The Android Arsenal

Friday 29 September 2017


A library that manages state using RxJava 2.

from The Android Arsenal


Changing colors of drawable icons by reusing the single icon with different colors.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


A Simple Audio Recorder View with hold to record button and swipe to cancel.

from The Android Arsenal

AppAuth WebView

Using AppAuth library with webview.

from The Android Arsenal


This is the library which uses google's FusedLocationApi for fetching the current location of the user.

This is implemented keeping in mind the location permission of marshmallow and higher version users.

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 28 September 2017

Android Spans

Kotlin and Java wrappers around SpannableStringBuilder

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Almost every app has a login and signup, so why do we re-write code everytime? Let robin handle that for you.

from The Android Arsenal


A stylish loading view for Android.

from The Android Arsenal


An Android list dialog showing list of items, with an EditText to filter items given in the list.

from The Android Arsenal


CFAlertDialog is a library that helps you display super awesome dialogs on Android. It offers an adaptive UI support with tons of customisation options. This will save a lot of time for you.

from The Android Arsenal

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Tuesday 26 September 2017


ChartProgressBar is an android library to build a bar chart with progress bar style.

from The Android Arsenal


The ExpandableConstraintLayout presents itself as a wrapper around Google's ConstraintLayout with the small feature of toggling (expansion/collapse).

from The Android Arsenal

Linear Time Picker

Gorgeous Android Time and Date picker library inspired by the Timely app.

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 25 September 2017

Color Picker

Android Color picker is a custom image or drawable color picker. It is very easy to use and customize. It tracks the color changes continuously on moving picker and also tracks color changes on tap of color picker.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Tutorial View

Ready to use tutorial screen.

from The Android Arsenal


NYBus - A pub-sub library for Android and Java applications.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal