Friday 26 June 2020


RxWebSocket is a simple, lightweight, reactive wrapper around OkHttp WebSocket, inspired by RxAndroidBle.

Instead of implementing a WebSocketListener like you would normally do with WebSocket, you can subscribe to it and when it is connected, subscribe to its messages. When you're done with the connection, you can simply unsubscribe and it takes care of closing the connection for you.

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 25 June 2020


A CSS (gaussian blur) like shadow for android.

from The Android Arsenal

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Wizard Camera

Wizard Camera

Wizard Camera is a simple photo camera application that lets you add some funny effects to your shots. It uses Camera 2 API and OpenGL ES shaders to do it! A vital feature of the application is the ability to see the effects while previewing - what you see on a phone screen that you’ll get on a shot!

A picture’s worth a thousand words

Here are sample shots:

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 11 June 2020

Meow Framework

A Framework that simplify developing MVVM Architecture and Material Design in Android with Kotlin language including useful Extensions and Sample Application. This Framework has some tools for Retrofit and OKHttp and Coroutine for calling REST API requests.

Dynamic Localization and Day/Night Theme & Meow Custom Widgets are another features.

from The Android Arsenal


A simple way to manage SharedPreferences for Android with Kotlin.

from The Android Arsenal


Clean Rx Kotlin Architecture sample on GitHub Api.

from The Android Arsenal