Thursday 30 November 2017


A simple Android navigator.

from The Android Arsenal

Floating Shortcut Button

Android library shows a floating button in the app screen, you can drag and drop the button in any place of the screen and on press navigate to any place in the app.

from The Android Arsenal


Small utility library for Android to evaluate requirements in order for some action to proceed. For example: network connection, permissions (API 23), system services (location, bluetooth, ...), etc.

from The Android Arsenal

Wednesday 29 November 2017


Fast Read/Write POJO json and byte arrays.

  • uses processorAnnotation for code generation
  • faster than sdk Parcelable
  • only one annotation need - @Value

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Tuesday 28 November 2017


This Android library is for handle running time permissions in simplest way!

from The Android Arsenal


How is it differ from Fabric and Firebase crashlytics?

Instead of handling the crash in the background, this library lets the developer do their task in a different thread whenever a crash happens.

All other crashlytics can only point the devices and the stack traces. But using this library, developers can able to pin point the device, user info and much more when the crash happens.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


A Library that fold everything. Just do it, we fold it for you. 5 minutes integration garantee.

from The Android Arsenal

Sunday 26 November 2017


Audio visualization for android MediaPlayer.

from The Android Arsenal


Manage your project's SharedPreferences more efficiently.

from The Android Arsenal


CircularDialogs is custom Android dialog library to give user feedback about the common operations like Success, Warning and Errors. You can easily use the it by adding the dependency to your gradle file. It allows you to make beautiful dialogs with just few lines of code. You can choose from the predefined entry and exit animations.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


It's a networking library. You can call RESTful APIs in your project by using this.

from The Android Arsenal

Saturday 25 November 2017


A library that handles the closing of your app interactively.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Easy Exchange

The Easy Exchange library brings quick and easy currency exchange to Android.

from The Android Arsenal

Kheera BDD Framework

Kheera is a BDD Framework, especially design for Android application development workflows. It's designed to be fast, small and completely compatible with Android Test Kit, Espresso 3, UIAutomator etc.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Progress Window

A library to show progress in the toast level above any view or layout in your application.

from The Android Arsenal

Friday 24 November 2017


SpannableTextView is a custom TextView which lets you customize the styling of slice of your text or statement via Spannables, but without the hassle of having to deal directly with Spannable themselves.

from The Android Arsenal


A library to make avatar view like in tinder app.

from The Android Arsenal

No Internet Dialog

A beautiful Dialog which appears when you have lost your Internet connection.

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 23 November 2017

Android Slider

A simple slider library.

from The Android Arsenal


Fusion is new library built in Kotlin for upcoming Future. It have lots of custom Material Designing features and fully customizable dialogs inspired by LovelyDialogs and SweetAlarts. It also have custom Toast, Expandable layout & other features. Please review this library.

from The Android Arsenal


The easiest way to bring validation to your project.

from The Android Arsenal