Saturday 31 August 2019


KLoadingSpin is an alternative to progressDialog used widely in android.

from The Android Arsenal


BubbleTabBar is bottom navigation bar with customizable bubble like tabs.

from The Android Arsenal

Wednesday 28 August 2019


Sign In and Sign Up Ui Design Template.

from The Android Arsenal

EventBus IntelliJ Plugin

IntelliJ iDEA plugin to work with projects (Java and Kotlin) using greenrobot's EventBus library.

from The Android Arsenal


An easy and fast Contact Picker library for Android, written in Kotlin with Co-routines.

from The Android Arsenal


A polished and flexible ProgressView, fully customizable with animations.

from The Android Arsenal


Humanizer allows you to display data in a human-readable format for simplicity.

  • Humanizer give a human-readable touch to string (user input without proper formatting, a system created, non-formatted)
  • Humanizer can convert date object, date string as well as millis to human readable date and time format with multiple variations. Using Pretty_Everything format you can show relevant date representation.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Complete Google Map API Tutorial

Learn How to use Google Map API for Android from Basic to Advance with complete examples.

from The Android Arsenal


WinValidaition is a simple, yet powerful rule-based UI validation library based on annotations for Android.

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 26 August 2019


A custom view for android with circular step progress level.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


A Kotlin Coroutines binding APIs for Android UI widgets from the platform and support libraries. Supports Flow, ReceiveChannel and Actor.

from The Android Arsenal


Postman is a reactive One-tap SMS verification library. This library allows the usage of RxJava with The SMS User Consent API

from The Android Arsenal


An easy way to apply gradations and tinting for Android.

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 19 August 2019

Sunday 18 August 2019

Friday 16 August 2019


A simple and lightweight library for drawing sparklines / graphs. Support markers and gradients.

from The Android Arsenal

Tuesday 13 August 2019



OneAdapter is made to simplify and enhance the use of the RecyclerView's Adapter while preventing common mistakes. With multiple modules and hooks, you don't have to think about writing an adapter anymore, and just focus on what matters.


  • Modular approach for more reusable and testable code
  • Built-in support for DiffUtil (using Diffable)
  • Optimized performance - internal processing done on a background thread
  • 100% written in Kotlin
  • Modules:
    • Item Module
    • Paging Module
    • Emptiness Module
    • Selection Module
  • Event Hooks:
    • Click Event Hook

from The Android Arsenal


Cosse is a lightweight low level Android library for Server Side-Events (SSE). Cosse is written in Kotlin and takes advantage of Kotlin's coroutines by starting a coroutine every-time a new message is received. Cosse is lightening fast and helps facilitate concurrent program through use of coroutines.

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 12 August 2019

Rista Adapter

A Recycler View Adapter that supports multiple views.


  • No need for ViewHolders.
  • Easily add Item Click Listeners.
  • Easily bind Item Views and their behavior.
  • Easily communicate between ItemView, Activity and Fragment.
  • Easily modify items that share common ids. (e.g. Whether a user is following someone or not)

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


SimpleGenericAdapter is an Android library that helps developers to create a Recyclerview Adapter easily without repeatedly building any adapter boilerplate.

from The Android Arsenal

Sunday 11 August 2019


Android PDF view is very small, lightweight and efficient PDF viewer embedded in your native app.

It is based on ImageView and can handle big files with reasonable performance on low-end devices.

from The Android Arsenal


Very slim library for finding your views by id with Kotlin delegates. Very slim to copy/paste few functions you need without maven artifact dependencies, but available in jCenter as well.

from The Android Arsenal


Maildroid is a small robust android library for sending emails using SMTP server.

from The Android Arsenal