Wednesday 31 July 2019


MediaSliderView is a compact library for having a slideable/swipeable gallery view inside your android application, which supports both images and videos.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


With this library you can easily use alert dialog in Android.

from The Android Arsenal

Monday 29 July 2019


A lightweight Android library which wraps boilerplate code of runtime permission and allows you to request permissions from coroutines (No callbacks yay 🎉) or request and observe permissions through LiveData.

from The Android Arsenal

Sunday 28 July 2019


New units of measure to support all of screen devices (MDP). With this library, you can support almost 97% of screens.

from The Android Arsenal

Coroutines Event Pipe

A library based on Kotlin Coroutines Channel for providing an Events. Simply in usages, and high performance. Similar EventBus, but better for Kotlin way projects.

from The Android Arsenal

Friday 26 July 2019


A library to dynamically format your EditTexts to take currency inputs.

from The Android Arsenal


A showcase for unidirectional data flow on Android, powered by Kotlin Coroutines.

from The Android Arsenal

Nguyen Y Nguyen

URLEmbeddedView is a Android library which alows you show preview data of your URL.

from The Android Arsenal

Unsplash Photo Picker

Unsplash Photo Picker is a modular and customizable Android View that allows you to quickly search for free high-quality photos with just a few lines of code.

from The Android Arsenal

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Tuesday 23 July 2019


Simplifies sharing fields and communication between Android components with custom scopes that are lifecycle aware.

from The Android Arsenal


ComplexView is a simple Android library that eases the process of applying shadows and tweaking view curves.

Using ComplexView, developers can change the color of shadows, manipulate views to a complex degree without using xml drawables.

from The Android Arsenal