This library makes it easy to animate Floating Action Button to Bottom Sheet Dialog and vice versa.
from The Android Arsenal
This library makes it easy to animate Floating Action Button to Bottom Sheet Dialog and vice versa.
Add multiple TextWatcher
on multiple Editext
and receive callback at one place.
A simple 1 class reactive extension over the Facebook SDK allowing fully customization and support of the library.
Supports both RxJava 1.X and 2.X
An indicator with preview support that you can use in the ViewPager
. Easy to use.
ADAL - Android Development Acceleration Library.
A set of libraries that helps the developer speed up some common application needs.
GraphFlow is a lightweight library for designing 'logic based' UI flows.
You create a graph of nodes logically connected where each node represents a UI renderable object (fragment/view/whatever you prefer).
Fragmentation is a powerful library managing Fragment for Android.
It is designed for "Single Activity + Multi-Fragments" and "Multi-FragmentActivities + Multi-Fragments" architecture to simplify development process.
A powerful, flexible and easy to use Video and Image compression library for Android.
It's usually said that "A picture is worth a thousand words". Images adds flair and beauty to our android apps, but we usaully have problems with these images due to thier large size. With SiliCompressor you can now compress and use your images more smoothly.
Due to the high resolution of our Smartphone cameras and cameras from other devices, Video files have become large in size and thus difficult for it to be shared with others on social apps, social media and even when we need to upload it on our server. With SiliCompressor you can now compress your video file while maintaining it quality.
A sample application showы how to realize immersive parallax effect header like Google Play app.
This library introduces dynamic control over vector drawables. Each and every aspect of a vector drawable can be controlled dynamically (via Java instances), using this library.
Features :
, group
, vector
and clip-path
like color, alpha, strokeWdith, translation, scale, rotation etc.trimEnd
, trimStart
and trimOffset
parameters.Rapidly fast implementation of SharedPreferences which stores each preference in files separately, performs disk IO via NIO with memory mapped byte buffers and works IPC (between processes).
FunnyLoader is an android library which can be used for showing random messages while your app is loading something.
Round Korner Layouts is an Android library create to build a layout with the round corners.
A simple library that provides utilities to use Firebase SDK in a reactive fashion.
PrivacyStreams is an Android library for easy and privacy-friendly personal data access and processing. It offers a functional programming model for various types of personal data, including locations, photos, audios, sensors, contacts, messages, and more.
This Library automatically search for permission in android manifest file and request for the same.
Also, if request is cancelled it shows a popup window with alert to grant permission. If the app can no longer request permission due to "Don't ask again" on permission it will toast a message to grant permission from settings.
All the action performed after grant or deny can be customized by overriding method shown below. Custom permission can be checked instead of all permission in android manifest file.
Publish multiple modules of a project, be it an android library, one containing NDK, a pure java one or even an annotation processor. Whatever you want to publish in Bintray, do it in a mega easy and customizable way.
This plugin also supports dependencies resolution between local modules (since the POM cant contain local references for logical reasons) in a fully transparent way.
Firstly, add Jitpack repository in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file):
allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url "" } } }
Add dependency to your module's build.gradle file:
dependencies { compile 'com.github.dimorinny:show-case-card-view:0.0.1' }
You can show this view on your activity or fragment using this code:
java new ShowCaseView.Builder(MainActivity.this) .withTypedPosition(new TopLeft()) .withTypedRadius(new Radius(186F)) .withContent( "This is hello world!" ) .build() .show(this);
This library helps you to know when the app is in background or not, and if the app is in foreground, you can send the notification to your activity!