Friday 31 March 2017


Jsonsurfer is dedicated in processing big and complicated json data with three major features.

from The Android Arsenal


Eliminates need to create a static function to initialize a fragment and bind the arguments.

from The Android Arsenal


Google Primer Intro Animation.

from The Android Arsenal


WCViewPagerIndicators It is an android library that allows developers to have a viewpager with the attribute layoutheight = "wrapcontent", in addition to include in the bottom a page indicator (API 16 or higher)

from The Android Arsenal


This library provides an easy to use API for switching between fragments that share the same container. Implementing tabs, such as the ones Instagram has at the bottom of the layout, is a much simpler goal to achieve when using TabController.

Tabs can be switched by using either show/hide or attach/detach. You can even provide your own implementation of the way tabs are being shown.

from The Android Arsenal

VideoCompression Library

Awesome Library for VideoCompression Compressing 25Mb videofile to 1Mb

from The Android Arsenal


Android Bottom Dialog library.

from The Android Arsenal

Facebook Reactions

Facebook-like "Like with Reaction" demo for Android

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


Fonty is Android library allowing you to easily change the typeface of your UI elements. Contrary to other implementations Fonty is designed with the assumption that if you want to change the font for your app, then you change it globally per whole application, to achieve consistency across your Fragments or Activities.

This means that using Fonty will require no change to your layout files. All you need to do is to initialize the library and specify what typeface you want to be used for regular text and what for boldfaced ones. That's it.

from The Android Arsenal


Library and SDK for reading QR codes on iOS and Android.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


A DialogFragment that implements the Full-screen dialog pattern defined in the Material Design guidelines.

from The Android Arsenal

Thursday 30 March 2017


Sometime, to do round textview or round view group is hard. Need to apply dynamic color? Nine patch is not answer? You are on the right place.

from The Android Arsenal


A simple timeout sensor that detects if there hasn't been any user interaction for a specified amount of time. If the timer runs up without interaction, a dialog will popup giving them another 30 seconds to 'stay logged in' otherwise the app will kill itself.

from The Android Arsenal


instapk is an android studio plugin which will share apk to slack teams with a single button click! No more browse or drag n drop, be at your place!

from The Android Arsenal

Stepper Touch

Fun interactive Android count widget. Stepper Touch for Android is based on a Material Up showcase with a newly introduced SpringAnimator for animations.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


A Download Button ProgressBar animation.

from The Android Arsenal


This is a library that can help you to receive results from startActivityForResult() as an Observable.

from The Android Arsenal


The library is a RecyclerView-based implementation of a scrollable list, where current item is centered and can be changed using swipes. It is similar to a ViewPager, but you can painlessly create layout, where views adjacent to the currently selected view are partially or fully visible on the screen.

The library uses a custom LayoutManager to adjust items' positions on the screen and handle scroll, so view reordering operations use the full power of RecyclerView API and are extremely efficient.

Example pager

from The Android Arsenal


An example project for creating machine learning model for MNIST to detect hand written digits.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal


A custom LayoutManager to build a Gallery or a ViewPager like RecyclerView that shows items in a center-locked and support both HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL scroll.And View Recycle Machine is also supported.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Gravity View

GravityView is an Android adaptation of Facebook instant articles. The concept behind the library is to utilize the motion sensors of an Android device and allow the end user to explore the product by rotating his device. It uses gyroscope motion sensor readings to scroll the image.

Android Arsenal

from The Android Arsenal

Phone tracker

Phone tracker is an Android library to gather environment signals, like cell towers, wifi access points and gps locations. You can configure how to scan. Also you can make hot configuring updates, and be notified when the configuration is updated, among other things.

from The Android Arsenal


Spruce is a lightweight animation library that helps choreograph the animations on the screen. With so many different animation libraries out there, developers need to make sure that each view is animating at the appropriate time. Spruce can help designers request complex multi-view animations and not have the developers cringe at the prototype.

from The Android Arsenal


UI library that helps you to make a cute collection of collapsible/expandable pages.

from The Android Arsenal

Sanppy ReyclerView

An extension to RecyclerView which will snap child Views to a specified anchor; START, CENTER or END.

Demo Screen Capture

from The Android Arsenal