A library for more easy work with the android canvas.
from The Android Arsenal
When your users want to get from one location to another, don’t push them out of your application into a generic map application. Instead, keep them engaged with your application 100% of the time with in-app turn-by-turn navigation.
The Mapbox Navigation SDK is a precise and flexible platform which contains logic needed to get timed navigation instructions and enables your users to explore the world's streets. We are designing new maps specifically for navigation that highlight traffic conditions and helpful landmarks. The calculations use the user's current location and compare it to the current route that the user's traversing to provide critical information at any given moment.
Instagram-like (from broadcasts) double avatar view with cropping with simple and convenient API.
Krate is a persistence layer that offer CRUD operations for a key-value store and result is delivered through a RxObservable. Additionally you can sync your offline data with a server through Krate's fetch functions.
Plugins are single-purpose libraries built on top of the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android that you can include in your apps like any other Android dependency. You'll find documentation for each plugin on our Android documentation website. A full list of the current plugins is available below.
Why Plugins
Splitting specific functionality into plugins makes our Maps SDK lighter and nimble for you to use, and it also lets us iterate faster. We can release plugins more often than the SDK, which requires a slower pace due to its larger codebase.
RestRequest is a wrapper library that uses standard HttpRequest
components to make JSON Rest Calls. RestRequest is aimed on achieving easy implementation, reusable request objects, instinctive configuration options.
Instagram-like floating hearts view with simple and convenient API. You can use any image and make your magic using 5 lines of code.
MapperJ is an annotation processing library which helps you get rid of manual creating of mapper classes. Package alson contains Args annotation which generates code for transferring data to/from Bundle/Intent.
Android library for drawing curves on Google Maps. This library uses Bezier cubic equation in order to compute all intermediate points of a curve.
Linguist is a simple framework to translate your app to over 100 languages automatically.
implementation thats supports customization and provides a way to render Markdown from text, file, assets and URL.
AppListManager is an easy to use Android library, which minimizes developing time when working on application or activity lists. You no longer have to worry about asynchronous tasks, memory leaks and intent receivers. This library provides a simple way to receive application and activity lists as they change.