GoodPrefs is an Android library for easy access to Android Shared Preferences.
from The Android Arsenal
GoodPrefs is an Android library for easy access to Android Shared Preferences.
The SplashPicker library lets your users pick an image from to use anywhere in your app.
JustifiedTextView is an android view that justifies the text. Gives support to older Android versions because "setJustificationMode" was introduced until API 26.
Highly customizable Android library written in Kotlin that uses AndroidX and extends RecyclerView
to include extra features, such as support for gestures like swipe and drag & drop.
'Freemium' cloud-based CICD service for (Android and iOS) mobile app development, integrated with Github, Gitlab, BitBucket and 180+ developer services. Grab the Open Source CLI from Github and automate locally.
Cloud version free up to 200 builds per month. More builds or more than 10 minutes buildtime per build requires a paid developer account
JUnit TestRule for Android instrumented tests, which automatically disables and enables animations.
Random TextView is an Android Library to pickup random text from list and show it in TextView
An Android library to simplify reading and writing to SharedPreferences, never write code like this anymore prefs.edit().putString("someKey","someString").apply()
Android native a bottom sheet for on steroids.
This library allows you to show bottom sheets in your app with the bonus of animating the status bar color and the top rounded corners as you scroll.
Easy.Api is a bundle of utility classes which helps to call the RESTful webservices as quickly as never before. It also allows use of RxJava with only fewer implementation detail. It also works with kotlin.
to easily test LiveData
and make assertions on them, inspired by RxJava. Allows effective testing of your ViewModel
and makes TDD possible.
Now you do not need to implement adapters for RecyclerView
when scrollViewHolder
- use ViewBinder
instead of ViewRenderer
Using this library will help you to follow SOLID principles.
The easiest way to declare RecyclerView
Adapters in Android with Java! No more boilerplate code.